I'm hoping to rent out the 'cottage' area as of Feb... busy painting and installing blinds, getting it ready. I'll only lease it for 6 months - not too keen to be sharing my home with someone for too long.
This massive sliding door is the major reason I need blinds, soon. At the moment the door opens onto the driveway... this will eventually change, but for now, the privacy would be welcome.
Just needs some paint and a couple of adjustments to the basin, but otherwise its functional. Blinds will be installed soon - at the moment i might as well be showering in full view of the street :-)
Best of the new year to everyone! Not sure how much renovation I'm going to do this year - quite happy to get a feel for my new place. Still some things to fix up and neaten, so I will update as and when new developments take place. Some new angles on a more lived in house...