Saturday, July 21, 2007

21 July - Elevation

The front garden, above the bathroom skylights and idiotically placed aircon. The garage is on the left.

Front door entrance, which the new design is actually making us use, finally. Cleared the area in the front to landscape with new plants.

20 July 2007 - Side Garden

Walls plastered, cottage door finished, step from bedroom extended. We will plaster the neighbouring wall too this week before painting and rolling out grass.

19 July 2007 - Front Garden

Plastered the wall and cleaned all the foliage.

19 July 2007 - Garage Complete

After we've rolled new grass and the wheel barrows are no longer screaming over the garage paving, we'll stain them dark brown and seal them

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

9 July: New Gardens

From the back of the garage looking towards the front wall and pedestrian entrance. All the plants have been cleared out and this entire area will need to be levelled and new grass rolled out. The swing will be removed too. New Moyo garden lighting compliments of Ulindi :-)
The back of the garage and new garden area. All of these tiles and the concrete beneath are being cleared and new grass will be rolled out here. The step from the bedroom has been extended. The walls will be plastered and painted. Despite the enormous size of the garage, we definitely have gained a lot more garden.

8 July: Garage taking shape

View from the front wall, looking over the garage to the old garage/cottage in the back. Paving and a roof comes next.

View from the top end of the front garden, looking towards the garage. Bottom right of the pic is the pedestrian entrance.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

4 July - Is it art?

Compliments of my cousin Byron, who has been spending some vac time with us and getting a little bored. Clearly this wall will be broken down once the doors are complete.

Incidently, the wooden poles - they took some of my car door with them. The space is narrow and coming home from an Eagle Eye Cherry concert I misjudged the distance.

3-4 July 2007: Garage taking shape

The countdown begins - although we are ahead of schedule. The garage is much bigger than we anticipated from the plans even though it's meant to take 4 cars. Right now we're driving in and out betweem wooden poles holding the lintels up.
Despite this massive building, we've gained a lot more garden area in the front of the house and behind the garage alongside the house. I'll post more detailed pics of that once we've cleared all the paving and get ready to roll out new grass.

Once the garage roof and paving starts we will add the garage door and break down the existing areas of wall that are no longer necessary.