Thursday, November 02, 2006

A more recent and lived-in view from the kitchen

Bring on summer!

But hold the rain a little...

Putting pieces together...

Puzzles. Ulindi has started a 4000 piece puzzle on the new coffee table - the only table that could possibly accomodate it - and yet, still not. She forgot to check the size (a whopping 1300mm x 960mm).
I'll watch tv thanks

New housemate...

Greenside birds beware - Russia, stealthy and sleek, hunter extraodinaire, is on the prowl

Things that make a house home...

The funky fridge with updated pics and magnets

Engaged! Ulindi's moved in

"Just a few things"... she said.
We've run out of space - Ulindi has more furniture than she accounted for - so we're waiting to get the rented out area back before we handle the mess of boxes, beds, couches and chairs :-)
Welcome fiance, looking forward to making it ours.