Friday, December 22, 2006


Finally some privacy - not that we really needed it with all the trees and hiwalls - but security is a concern. We went with aliminium pewter-coloured blinds for a more modern effect throughout the house. The bedrooms and bathrooms have wooden venetians.


The first set of renovations to the cottage (to the right of the image) will be to add the sliding wooden door that leads onto the courtyard. Where Diesel is standing (I'm constantly followed by animals!) will be a water feature that the lounge diningroom, entrance and cottage will all look out onto. A real centerpiece. Still working on the style of water feature - most things seem either too zen, or too OTT. Either way, it will be surrounded by grass, making this a very tranquil area.

Cottage back!

Ulindi's mom is coming for Christmas and we've done up the cottage for her. Little biggybest at the moment - lot of hand-me-down stuff - but great to have the space back, and as a result, our studies. Renovations due in the new year - the bathroom and sliding glass door addition in the lounge will be first.